User Contract & Terms of Services 

This is the home of DDP LLC also known as, Discount Digital Printing LLC, ddp., DDP LLC and, and which shall be collectively referred to herein as “DDP”. 

Carefully read all the clauses under these Terms and Conditions of Use (referred to hereafter as “Terms”).  The Terms set out below are important because they serve to: 

  • Outline your legal rights as a User of DDP’s products and/or services 
  • Outline your legal responsibilities as a User of DDP’s products and/or services 
  • Explain the rights you give to DDP when you use DDP’s products and/or services 

By logging on to and accessing our products and/or services, you agree to be bound by all the Terms stated herein.   All customers or customer representatives or potential customers or potential customer representatives of DDP, who contact us via email or telephone, will be instructed to carefully review and fully understand these Terms prior to placing an order or engaging with our services. These customers and customer representatives or potential customers and potential customer representatives, will then be considered duly informed of the Terms set forth below, and will also be bound by the provisions, rules, and requirements stated herein.    

In addition, where a person logs on to our website or interacts with our products and/or services but does not end up being a customer or customer representative or who does so with malicious intent shall be considered to have received due notice of these Terms and be so bound.  

If you do not agree with (or cannot comply with) the Terms stated herein, please do not access DDP’s website, engage with DDP’s services through this website and also feel free to not engage in further communication via email or telephone. DDP reserves the right to change, modify or amend these conditions without notice.  For this reason, we, therefore, encourage you to review the Terms page, whenever you use this website or choose our products and services. 

Products & Services 

DDP’s products and services are for our customer and customer representatives’ personal use only. You, as the customer or customer representative, hereby agree to not use our products, services or related messages for any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising and/or use as promotional materials, such as "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any form of illegal solicitation  or illegal advertising.

Artwork & Images

You hereby agree, that DDP will NOT be held liable where you, intentionally or otherwise, upload to this website or send to us via email the following material: offensive, indecent or improper material, any material that could be found to be illegal under applicable laws; material that infringes any and all intellectual property rights such as but not limited to, not obtaining the prior written consent of the owner(s) of these rights and the permission of person(s) who are shown in the material,  if and when applicable. You, therefore solely accept complete legal liability for the content of orders processed and printed on your behalf and under your instructions, by DDP.

DDP reserves the right to refuse an order, which we believe may be illegal in nature or an infringement on the rights of any third party. We also reserve the right to refuse any orders or services without the need or obligation to disclose the reason for such refusal.  

Quality of Files & Resolution Requirements

All artwork, designs, and images submitted to DDP as the print-ready file(s) must be in a minimum of 300 DPI (dots per inch) and CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) color mode. DDP is not responsible for images, artwork and/or text printed as fuzzy/unclear, distorted or pixilated, due to low-resolution files provided by the customer or customer representative and especially where proofs are received and pre-approved by the customer or a customer representative. Additionally, DDP is not responsible for any automatic color alterations that may occur in the conversion from RGB (red, green and blue) to CMYK color modes.

Color Accuracy

Although our prepress department checks all submitted artwork files before printing, the customer or customer representative is still 100% responsible for the accuracy of print-ready files. As such, all files must be proofread carefully before submitting them. Should any issue arise related to orientation or alignment of the pages of submitted documents, DDP will not be held responsible. We highly recommend that for all submitted artwork and/or text, please use CMYK color modes for the best printing results, as it relates to color accuracy.

If a job is color critical, then it is the customer or customer representative’s sole responsibility to request a hardcopy proof. This request requires the physical mailing of a hardcopy proof, and the customer or customer representative should factor that timeframe into their delivery timeline.

Order Responsibility

Once you place an order for our products or services, you are wholly responsible for the final proof and layout approval of your work, prior to printing.  Changes or alterations cannot be made to any jobs that have been approved and/or sent to press due to the nature of the print production process. Therefore, no refund(s) will be issued at such time.

DDP, and its affiliates, shall Not be LIABLE for any, and all ERRORS in a final product caused by any of the following:  Punctuation, Grammar, Misspelling, Damaged Fonts/Font Issues, Graphics, Wrong Die Lines, Wrong Bleeds, Wrong Cuts,  Wrong Cropmarks, Incorrect or Missing folds, Transparency, Cracks on Folds, Finished Product Size, Over Print, Poor Orientation or Alignment.

Creative Services & Graphic Design Services

You agree by these Terms that when you elect to order and use our graphic design services, that all such designs created and revised by our employees at DDP are the sole intellectual property of DDP.

Consequently, take note that such artwork will only be released to you if there is a written agreement to that effect and you have made the necessary payments to reimburse DDP for such release of its intellectual property and/or transfer of its copyright rights. 

Replications of Currency

DDP is bound by the following laws: The Counterfeit Detection Act of 1992 and Public Law 102-550, as under Section 411 of Title 31 of the Code of Federal Regulations. As such, we cannot reproduce any photographs or copies of checks, paper currencies, bonds, revenue stamps and securities of the United States or that of any other foreign Nation.

Proofreading Print-Ready Files

No job will be sent to print without the customer or customer representative’s approval. To that end, a proof will be made available by DDP to the customer or customer representative either in person, via email, via our file transfer services or online through the website. We strongly encourage all customers or customer representatives to check the proof(s) of their artwork(s) carefully before placing orders or providing the approval to print.

Please note that when you request a proof to be sent online (via email, file transfer services or website), such proof will NOT be an accurate color representation of the final printed work and should not be treated as such. Also, note that such electronic proofs do not show transparency and overprint issues, color changes from RGB (red, green and blue) or Pantone to CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black). For this reason, DDP will not be liable for any color variation between the proof and the printed product.  However, this online proof is the final opportunity for you to check the text, layout, crops, and bleeds.

By these Terms, we aim to match the colors of the proof and the printed product as closely as is reasonably possible. However, take note that color variation differences are inherent inconsistencies of the printing process and we will not be liable for any color variation differences that may occur.

With that said, it is the customer or customer representative’s sole responsibility to determine if their order is color critical. If the order is indeed color critical, then it is the customer or customer representative’s sole responsibility to communicate that to DDP and request a printed, physical proof for the purpose of final approval.

We strongly encourage all our customers or customer representatives to carefully check all proofs. Proofs should be checked against the original file(s) for possible errors in image placement, layout, spacing, punctuation, and copy. You, as the customer or customer representative, are fully responsible for all that is contained in the final approved proof.


You, as the customer or customer representative and/original content creator, hereby take sole responsibility for all information, text, data, photographs, graphic designs, or other materials in the artwork and/or text files you submit to us via email, file transfer services or that you upload onto the website. You hereby accept sole responsibility either as the content creator or on behalf of the person from whom the content originated. By submitting your artwork and/or text file(s) via email to or uploaded to our file transfer services, you confirm that you have the right to use the material in your artwork and/or text file(s).

In light of the global nature of the internet, you hereby agree to comply with all local, state, federal, international rules regarding online conduct and acceptable content.

You agree not to use our website link or our file transfer services to send, upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that is: (i) anything obscene, lewd, indecent, lascivious, vile or of a filthy nature. (ii) a threat to injure or cause harm to a person, a threat to injure the reputation and/or the property or of another person, a threat to accuse a person of a crime or illegalities, a threat to inform another that a person has violated any law, a threat to extort, or a threat of blackmail. (iii) any matter advocating or urging treason, insurrection, or forcible resistance to any law of the United States; (iv) any defamatory remarks directed towards any other company or person; or (v) any content that infringes the intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights of DDP or any third party.

By these Terms, you agree to not send any "one-of-kind" transparencies, prints or artwork. We always take every precaution to safeguard your materials, however, we are not responsible for the loss of or damage to images, artwork, e-files or hardcopy files.

DDP does not control the content provided by customers or customer representatives and does not guarantee the accuracy, quality, and integrity of the content. Therefore, we are not liable under any circumstances to the public in any way for any content they may be exposed to that they may find indecent, offensive, or objectionable. In addition, take note that through this agreement, you acknowledge that DDP does not pre-screen content. We do however reserve the right (but not the obligation), at our sole discretion, to refuse to print and/or remove any Content that violates these Terms, or we may otherwise find to be objectionable.

You hereby further acknowledge and agree that DDP may preserve content and/or may disclose content if required to do so by law or if in good faith, we believe that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) comply with the law and/or legal process; (b) enforce the terms of services; (c) respond to claims that the Content violates the rights of third-parties; or (d) protect the rights, property, or personal safety of DDP, its customer and/or customer representatives and the public.


DDP uses the United States Dollar (USD) for all prices and amounts given through, via email and/or telephone, through a DDP representative, unless otherwise stated.

You as a customer or customer representative hereby agree that when you purchase any of our products or services through, via email or telephone, through a DDP representative, you shall fully pay all charges, including taxes and shipping/handling fees, by credit card or with an approved payment method BEFORE an order is completed. As such, DDP will not start working on a print job until we have received full payment for the entire amount of the print job, including the applicable taxes and shipping/handling fees unless otherwise agreed upon in advance.

Once a print job has been approved by the customer or customer representative, no changes are allowed to the files, job characteristics, or printing turnaround time.

Sales Tax Policy

Under these Terms, you acknowledge that DDP is bound by New Jersey tax laws and thus we may be bound to charge the local taxes of the State a customer or customer representative is from where the customer or customer representative is not a New Jersey local. In line with this, DDP charges New Jersey Sales tax on all orders unless you are tax exempt. If you are tax exempt, you hereby agree to email to us or upload a copy of your tax exemption certificate at the time of placing the order. Please note, this also applies to print brokers who can provide the New Jersey tax form, ST4.

For more information on our tax policy and the requirements in order to qualify for sales tax and/or for exemption, please read through our Nonprofit page, under the industries section of our website.

Job Cancellation Printing Downgrade

Please note that a processing fee equal to 25% of the total order amount (or a minimum of $ 25) will be charged for each job cancellation and/or printing downgrade(s) (including downgrades in quantity, paper stock, and shipping method) that is requested, after the order is placed but before it is sent to the press.  Once an order has been sent to the press and/or work on the order has been started, the job cannot be changed (job cancellations and printing downgrade inclusive) and thus, there will be no refunds made at such time.

Refund Policy

All sales are final. Since each order is customized according to a customer or customer representative’s file and to the customer or customer representative’s exact specifications, no refunds will be given once DDP starts working on an order. Usually, work will begin on an order as soon as we have received the file(s) and payment. In the event that we have not started working on a specific order or it has not yet been sent to the press, we may allow a partial refund subject to the aforementioned cancellation processing fee. However, we will subtract from any such refund, any labor hours (proofs, graphic design, converting files, etc.) or administrative fees (credit card fees, etc.) incurred.

Limit of Liability

You as a customer or customer representative hereby agree to notify DDP within 3 business days of the date of delivery or date of pick-up of any defect(s) discovered in the printed product. At your own expense, you are required to return 100% of the defect(s) order to us, within 3 business days from the date you notify DDP of the defects. After reviewing the order, if DDP accepts the claim as valid, we will reprint the order and ship it back to the customer or customer representative at no extra cost to the customer or customer representative.

“Rush print” charges are, however, non-refundable and DDP hereby assumes no further liability beyond the price of your defect order.

Be advised that DDP keeps hardcopy samples and e-files for all orders placed, for among other things, to consider and review as part of every claim.

DDP is not responsible for any errors that include, but are not limited to:  grammatical errors, graphics, punctuation, bleed, low-resolution images, orientation/alignment, folding mistakes that are approved by the customer or customer representative whether the customer or customer representative noticed them or not. Similarly, we are not responsible for other inconsistencies are inherent to the printing process.  We are also not responsible for any damages (rain, snow, crushed boxes, etc.) related to UPS, FedEx or other third-party shippers.

Each order placed with DDP is a contract between the specific customer or customer representative placing the order and DDP.  If a customer or customer representative places an order on behalf of a third party, it does not absolve the customer or his/her representative of his/her liability to us.  Any decision by such a third party not to accept printed products or to cancel the order does not affect or alter this agreement and the customer and customer representative’s liability to DDP.

Special Promotions, Sales Marketing Discounts

Take note that all prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No adjustments to any prices and specifications will be made after an order is placed.

Be sure to regularly check our homepage for updates on any monthly deals or special price offers that are currently available.  Please note that special offers are only valid for purchases made within the special offer period and will not be valid for previous purchases or orders. Such promotions apply to print charges only.  As such, sales tax, shipping charges, custom quotes, and mailing postage, etc. are excluded from our discounted offers, unless specified in the promotion or as part of the discount. Multiple promotions and discounts cannot be combined.

Turnaround Time

Turnaround time on print orders only begins once full payment and the print-ready files have been received, with the customer or his/her representative's approval to print the project.

For printing jobs that the customer or customer representative has not provided complete digital source files or has submitted files that are not in print-ready condition (and thus a delay is caused), printing turnaround time will only be calculated from when DDP receives the print-ready file(s), and not from when the order was first placed.

All turnaround times are based on business days and office hours: Monday through Friday 9am - 6pm Eastern Standard Time (EST), excluding all weekends, and federal and national holidays in the United States.

If the order is placed and the print-ready file is approved after 9am EST on any business day, print production will begin, (what will be considered day 1 of turnaround time) on the following business day. For any job submitted and print-ready file approved on a weekend, the job will begin production on the next business day.

The estimated production turnaround time will be communicated to the customer or customer, in writing and is based on the typical number of hours or days that such a print job requires to be completed under normal circumstances, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. DDP is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and all U.S. holidays. As such, these days are not considered when calculating production turnaround times.

Please note that production turnaround time includes printing, cutting, and binding, but it does not include mailing or shipping transit times.  If the customer or the customer representative requests to have the order shipped, he/she should allow additional business days for delivery based on the timeline of the shipping method selected by the customer or his or her representative.

Time-Sensitive Jobs

We will not refund a job based on turnaround time. If you have a time-sensitive job, please be sure to contact DDP’s customer service to discuss if the “rush shipping” options available will meet your timelines.


Shipping charge refunds will not be given for any job once the order has been shipped.

DDP ships out all orders via UPS and/or FedEx ground services and as such, our responsibility is limited to preparing your order and delivering it to UPS and/or FedEx for delivery. Once a package is shipped, DDP is not responsible and will not be liable for damaged, lost or late packages during and due to the shipping process.

Unless the customer or the customer representative requests and pays for a shipping upgrade, please note that ground shipping transit time is based on the number of business days in transit and does not include weekends, holidays, or the day the package is picked up by UPS and/or FedEx for delivery. In addition, please note that arrival dates are only an estimated timeline and are subject to unforeseen delays (weather conditions, strikes, etc.) in transit.

DDP will not be responsible for any delays in shipping and we will not upgrade the shipping method to accommodate a missed estimated ship date. The customer or customer representative may at their own expense, upgrade the shipping method before we ship out their orders.

Where a package is not delivered due to an error made by the customer or customer representative where the customer or the customer representative submitted the incorrect shipping address, DDP will redirect the package to the corrected address and charge any additional non-refundable shipping/handling fee incurred due to the customer or customer representative’s error.

Picking Up Orders

Pick-up orders will be kept for 15 days from the date of delivery of the pick-up notification by email. After these 15 days, DDP will either begin to charge the customer or customer representative storage fees or choose to ship the order to the customer or customer representative. The choice to charge a storage fee or ship the order is at the sole discretion of DDP with no obligation to make either choice.

Where we elect to ship the order to the customer or customer representative, the order will be shipped directly to the address provided by customer or customer representative, and the customer or customer representative will be billed for the applicable shipping charges. DDP cannot ship to P.O. Boxes or APO/FPO (Army Post Office/Fleet Post Office.). Should a customer or customer representative, however, for lack of any other available option provide a P.O Box or APO/FPO address and informs DDP in advance, it is our sole discretion to dispatch the order to such P.O Box or APO/FPO address via USPS or store it for a fee.

Product Rights

DDP hereby reserves the right to show customers samples of any products we have previously printed and/or designed.

Right to Refuse Service

DDP hereby reserves the right to cancel or otherwise refuse print jobs with or without cause.

General Terms & Conditions

(i) Copyright Notice

You, the customer or customer representative, hereby acknowledge that all content on DDP’s website, including but not limited to: information, marketing materials,  written text,  thought leadership pieces, brochures,  videos, graphics, designs, illustrations,  images, photographs, typefaces, data, software, maps, icons, and other material and compilations, are the sole intellectual property and copyrighted works of DDP and/or its affiliates. As such, it is hereby strictly prohibited to copy, reproduce, use, republish, upload, post, or transmit any content to or from DDP’s website, in all forms, media, and technologies without our written consent and/or that of our third-party affiliates. It is also prohibited to use any spider, robot or other software or automatic device, or manual process to copy or monitor DDP's web pages or the content contained therein without the prior written consent of DDP and/or its affiliates.

(ii) Governing Law

DDP is operated within and under the Laws of the State of New Jersey. As such, the laws of the State of New Jersey will govern these Terms and any business conducted thereby.  If you choose to access our website, products, and/or services, you agree to do so subject to the Laws of the State of New Jersey. We make no representation that our website, products, and services are appropriate, legal or available for use in other locations. You consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in New Jersey, for all disputes arising out of, or relating to these Terms and use of DDP’s website, products, and/or services without giving effect to the principle of conflict of laws.

By logging on to and continuing to remain on our site and using our products and/or services, you assume all knowledge and understanding of applicable laws and are responsible for compliance with any such laws. Users may not use DDP’s services to transmit any material that violates applicable federal, state, or international laws, government regulations or other government requirements in any way. 

(iii) Indemnification 

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless DDP, and Discount Digital Print LLC, their employees and affiliates against any and all claims, damages, legal fees, costs, and expenses arising from, or related to, your use of this website, our products, services or related to customer or customer representative-submitted content.

Limitation of Liability

DDP, its employees, vendors and/or affiliates shall not be liable under any circumstances, for any death, accident, injury, loss, claim, delay, or any other direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental loss, arising out of, or related to DPP, or the information contained on our website or sent via email or as follow up via telephone, whether such damages arise in contract, tort, negligence, under statute, in equity, at law, or otherwise, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

In no event shall DDP, Discount Digital Print LLC or and/or its affiliates be liable for any damages or consequences arising from or related to, a customer or customer representative’s inappropriate or unauthorized use of this website or its content, and our products and/or services.

Attorney & Legal Fees

If a suit, action, arbitration or other proceedings of any nature whatsoever is instituted in connection with any legal issue arising out of these Terms or attempts to interpret or enforce any rights under these Terms, the prevailing party shall have the right to collect from the other party its reasonable costs and necessary disbursements and attorneys' fees incurred in the course of seeking such legal recourse. This is however subject to any other contrary determination, finding, order or otherwise of a court of law within the state of New Jersey.

Customer’s and Customer Representative’s Feedback

All feedback sent to us by both satisfied and unsatisfied customers or customer representatives including comments, feedback, suggestions, and ideas whether submitted, copied or sent to us via email becomes and remains the exclusive property of DDP. The customer or customer representative sending such feedback relinquishes all rights to such comments, feedback, suggestions, and ideas.

This feedback may be used and quoted by DDP in any medium for any purpose, anywhere, without obtaining the customer's or his/her representative's consent. We are not obligated to pay the customer or customer representative who sent the feedback any compensation for any of the comments submitted if we choose to publish the comments and in doing so, use the first name and first initial of the last name of the person who commented. The customer or customer representative agrees to be solely responsible for the content of any such feedback so shared.

Terms of Agreement

You, the user of or DDP’s products and services, understand and agree to follow these Terms along with the Privacy Policy.  This agreement in its entirety is thus between, you the user, DDP, Discount Digital Print LLC, and and its affiliates. This agreement supersedes any prior understandings or agreements (whether oral or written) regarding the subject matter. This agreement may not be amended or modified unless in writing and then made available on this website under the terms and conditions section, and/or as a link sent via email as follow up to an order placed by telephone with you, the user.

If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not in any way be affected or impaired and shall remain valid and enforceable to the maximum extent possible.

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